Ads Training

Day 1


So I am sure you have your business manger and ad manager in place.

Then let’s get into the sauce.

The world of creatives and advertisements is very dynamic but you need to have the foundations in place.

Stronger the foundations better the results in the long game

Today I am going to explain to you how to set up your ad campaigns in the ad account.

  1. The first step is to click on this green button and create a leads campaign.

  1. Then make sure you click on the option to create a leads campaign as we are trying to get the maximum number of people to click on our creatives.

Now we need to decide on how many ad sets we create in our campaign, this depends on your budget I recommend that you have at least $1500 as your monthly ad budget.

  1. Now for every Ad Set we should have 3 creatives to figure out what are the best-performing options for your area.

Try creating these campaigns on your own, just play around so you understand how the Ads Manager works.

On the next email I will send you a video with a detailed procedure, but make sure you have tried to at least create one campaign so you understand what is happening in the training.

Until the next one