Ads Training

Day 3


Today we get to the interesting part and I am going to give you examples of the creatives that work in the market.

You need to use creatives that resonate with the audience and encourage them to click on your ad.

Remember you have to sell the click and that is the foundation of online marketing.

Here are some examples that work

  1. A personal picture of you and your team smiling together. The best place to take such a picture is on top of the roof or with your client.

  1. Creatives that use comparisons of the job you did tend to work well, but make sure that the picture quality is good and you have the offer in the picture.

  1. Also just put your main offer in the text of a blank sheet and if the offer is a competitive one you will get over-average engagement.

Try a combination of these creatives and you should be getting leads for less than 20$ a pop.

If you need help with setting up your campaigns, reply with ‘HELP’ and we will fix it for you.

Until next time