Offer Is King

and it will build you a kingdom

Hey My Friend

I have spoken to many business owners but you will be surprised how many don’t know about their ‘Gangster Offer’.

What is that you ask, well it is an offer made to you by the Godfather itself and like he says ‘it is something you can’t refuse’.

Now many of you are familiar with this brand called Domino’s and I’m sure you have tried their Pizza at least once in your lifetime. Now I trust your taste buds and they complained about it not being the best Pizza you ever tasted.

But then why did their stock price skyrocket in the last couple of years?

  1. It is because they started with offers that no one was promising in the market ‘30 Minutes Or Free’ being one of them. I’m sure you remember that.

  2. Another example is when Amazon introduced their Prime Membership, you get free delivery guaranteed within 2 days plus you get to watch free movies online.

  3. Let’s do one more, remember when you had to buy an entire music album just to listen to the one favourite song of yours? What did Apple do, they changed the entire market by introducing the offer of a pay-per-song model.

So my friend I am sure now you know where I am going with this.

Creating a compelling offer makes it much easier to sell your product instead of working on perfecting that particular product.

So how do I implement these offers into my client’s business? Well, I ask them to give stuff out for free yes I said it, not asking them to lower their price but to give stuff out for free. Free stuff motivates buyers more than getting a discount on the price, more on this topic later.

Now here are some examples. It can be giving out free gutters with every roof replacement, free window cleaning with every roofing job or even free estimates which many in the industry want to shy away from.

The offer does not have to break your back but it has to compel the client that they are getting the best value for their money the market has to offer.

Now I hope this gives you a bit of clarity and if it does then I am grateful to come a step further in my mission to deliver insane amounts of value to you all.

Now having said that be on the lookout for my next email it is one of the raunchiest I have ever sent out. 😉

Happy New Year