S*x On The Beach

Wasn't what I expected it to be

Hey My Friend

See as I mentioned in my previous mail, this one will be raunchy, I know I might have triggered a few of you with this title, but if you are reading this mail, I would like to ask why exactly you opened it?

You are bombarded daily with emails offering you products and services that you don’t want to buy. The same boring headlines of ‘Hey quick question’ or ‘Hey new offer’ bla bla bla.

So here it is, you opened this mail because it broke a pattern, it made you stop and think for a while, ‘What is this guy on about’ ?

Now I promise you  I would never speak like this in front of my mother but I just wanted to give you an example of what is actually required to be successful in gaining the attention of people.

We are now in the digital age where people are constantly hooked onto their screens mindlessly going through their social feeds. They rarely have a clue as to what they are searching for and you have to come in and just smash them with something so out of the ordinary that they will use some of their attention span to listen to you.

Now how can you implement this in your business, think about it, is your flier really grabbing attention or is it just another piece of paper filled with words?

Is your website a place where people would like to spend time or is it just another online portal that looks similar to the other 999 sites they have visited that day?

I will give you an example of the last copy I used for my client was “3999 for a roof”? this was the hook to get their attention and then I carried on explaining why our roofs are more affordable than the rest in the business. The results were mind-blowing.

If you are interested in the copy just reply with the word “copy” and I will send it over to you. Can’t really spam you with the entire thing up here.

By the way I was really just talking about the drink up there, don’t know what you thought about 😜

Abi - - -